Packmates is excited to now offer non-financial aid! Unlike our financial aid requests, general aid is not restricted to members of the Packmates Mutual Aid. People outside the community are encouraged to apply, including furries of all stripes.

Okay, so what does General Aid look like?

General aid is a catch-all for any sort of help that could reasonably be offered long-distance, and which is within our means as an organization to realistically see through.

It could be for something that addresses a larger need, such as helping connect someone with gender-affirming healthcare in their area, or assisting in researching their legal name change process. Or it could be something smaller— wanting to find someone to help you learn how to sew, just because you want to learn.

So how does it work?

The Aid Request submission process is the same for General Aid Requests as it is for Financial Aid Requests. It even uses the same form and is pushed through the same channels. The main difference is that it doesn’t need to be voted on; instead our ability to fulfill the request is just down to our ability to connect you with a volunteer who can work with you towards fulfilling your goal.

Do you have some examples?

Sure! Some potential examples might be:

If you’re not sure whether your request is too small or too large, or even how you would expect someone to go about addressing it— it doesn’t hurt to submit a request, and we’ll see whether or not it’s something we can do.

Here are a sampling of some of the skills available across our volunteer membership.


Political Organizing, Union Work

Science, Math, & Tech

Applications & Streaming