Welcome to Packmates! We are a small-scale online mutual aid community working within the subculture of furry.

About Us

Submit an Aid Request

Aid Request

General Aid Examples

Contact Us

Use this **Contact Form** to ask us any questions, to request an invite to the server, or to report an issue with a volunteer.

Packmates Server Resources

Packmates has a policy of transparency and accountability in how we operate. One of our foundational long-term goals is to eventually be able to offer a comprehensive guide on how other people can replicate what we’re doing to create their own mutual aid operation within their own community. Currently, we’re still in the process of developing our organization and learning what works and what doesn’t work, so we don’t feel able to offer up a full guide yet. In the mean time, we make our internal guidelines available publicly for ease of access and in case it is useful to others to see how we operate.

Evaluation Criteria

Voting and Quorum Guidelines

Packmates Mutual Aid Intro Sheet

How To Guides

These are some resources we use for our own server events and other goings-on. Keeping activity going on our server in general and making space for people to meet each other and have fun is part of helping build the community. These documents are kept here for easy access, but if you feel like using them for your own community, you’re welcome to do so!

How to Host an Art Study

How to Host a VRChat Meetup

How to Talk About Packmates

Other Resources